India’s first Khakhra made with "ORGANIC WHOLE WHEAT ATTA” with zero maida. The Amul Khakhra made with pure Amul Ghee (Ghee Khakhra) / Amul Butter (Butter Khakhra), delivering a delightful aroma and savory flavor.
Made without any added chemicals, colors, or preservatives, these khakhras are a wholesome option for your daily cravings.
Vacuum-packed for lasting freshness, they are convenient, ready-to-eat snacks perfect for any occasion.
KHAKHRACOMBO_01India’s first Khakhra made with "ORGANIC WHOLE WHEAT ATTA” with zero maida. The Amul Khakhra made with pure Amul Ghee (Ghee Khakhra) / Amul Butter (Butter Khakhra), delivering a delightful aroma and savory flavor.
Made without any added chemicals, colors, or preservatives, these khakhras are a wholesome option for your daily cravings.
Vacuum-packed for lasting freshness, they are convenient, ready-to-eat snacks perfect for any occasion.
Ghee Khakhra: Wheat flour (atta), ghee (12.8%), iodized salt.
Butter Khakhra: Wheat flour (atta), table butter (16.2%), iodized salt.
Oct 17, 2024